How exactly does this work?

As stated previously, first we need some electricity in order to create heat, so we use a standard AC line and connect that to a generator, it is then converted to 20kHz or 40kHz electrical energy.Our two plastic parts are placed together on a supportive surface known as a fixture; this high frequency energy is then connected to a converter where it is transformed into vibrations. The vibrations are transferred to the booster where the intensity or amplitude is adjusted according to the specific application.

These vibrations are then applied to the plastic pieces through the use of a horn. The vibrations cause friction or heat, and the plastic melts. As the plastic melts and flows, the vibration is stopped and the cooling process begins. During the cooling process pressure is placed at the source of the joint to help improve joint strength. When the plastic is cool, the horn is retracted and the pieces can be removed from the fixture as one.


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